Technical Training & Seminars: Drinking Water Workshop, UCMR 4 Workshop, & More

by Allison Mackenzie, Babcock Labs CEO

Thank you to everyone who attended our UCMR 4 Workshop this month – the event was completely sold out! With UCMR 4 just around the corner, we are happy that we were able to inform you about the methods, analyses, special requirements, and responsibilities of the newest round of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4) and answer your questions. 

I personally received feedback on the workshop from one of our clients who said, “I intend to present the information to my department and would like to emphasize how prepared your laboratory is for the study and of how much project management Babcock can provide.” 

Due to the popularity of this workshop, some organizations who wished to attend were unable to do so which is why I am pleased to announce that we will hold another UCMR 4 Workshop on January 31st, 2018! Click here to learn more and register now. 


Yet another popular workshop we hold is our semi-annual Drinking Water Workshop. Like UCMR 4, the last time we held this workshop it was sold out. I am happy to announce that our next Drinking Water Workshop will be held on November 15th, 2017. Our Drinking Water Workshop includes a short course seminar, interactive training, and up to three contact hours. Click here to learn more and register now. 

We at Babcock Labs are very proud that we are able to share our expertise and provide you with these informative technical trainings and seminars. Our goal is to help our clients succeed, and these events equip attendees with valuable knowledge and training. To learn more about our Technical Training and Seminars, click here.