Guidelines on Potential COVID-19 Contaminated Sample Submission & Requirements for Face Masks

Submitting Samples with Potential Covid-19 Contamination

Sample Handling Guidelines for Submitting Samples with Potential COVID-19 Contamination

To protect the health of safety of both our staff and clients Babcock Laboratories is taking additional precautions regarding the receipt of sample(s) that may have been in contact with COVID-19. Effective immediately, we request our clients provide prior notice before delivering any sample(s) that have or are suspected to have been in contact with COVID-19. We require a minimum of two hours advance notice in order to provide ample time to prepare staff and the facility for receipt of the sample(s).

Sample(s) must be submitted to the laboratory in double sealed Ziploc bags and be clearly labeled as “Caution”, “COVID”, “HOT”, etc. The accompanying Chain of Custody (COC) should also document this information. Following receipt at the laboratory, sample receiving staff will adhere to a detailed procedure (SOP) to ensure the sample(s) containers have been properly sanitized and are generally safe for handling prior to release to the rest of the laboratory. When sending COVID-19 contaminated samples via Babcock Field staff or courier, please follow the same precautions, including advance notification, double-bagging, and documentation in order to protect our employees working for you out in the field.

Riverside County Health Department Mandates Facemasks

Riverside County Health Department Mandates Wearing Facemasks in Public Areas

On Saturday, April 4, 2020 the Riverside County Public Health Officer issued a mandate requiring everyone to wear a facemask upon leaving their home and while in the workplace. The Health Department also mandated those not employed at an essential business to stay at home.

We are all performing an essential function to protect the public health and as such, Babcock Labs requires all employees and all clients visiting our facility to wear a CDC-recommended type of face covering Babcock staff will remind all customers to wear their face covering when approaching our outdoor receiving station. If a customer arrives at Babcock Labs without an appropriate facemask, one will be provided and must be used. To avoid unnecessary delays in sample acceptance, please ensure that any person submitting samples for your organization has an appropriate face covering.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation during these unprecedented and challenging times.